Tuesday, July 5, 2016

34 Jewelry Guide for the Workplace

  34 Jewelry Guide for the Workplace

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1) Think of your jewelry as finishing touches, and not embellishments

Some people will advise that you only wear one piece per outfit to play it safe, but you can still look like an executive with multiple necklaces, earrings, or bracelets. Something to keep in mind is the design; you want to attract, not distract. suggest simple jewelry rather than bold pieces to pair together.


2) If you want to go bold, opt for a single statement accessory

It’s better to not have enough, than too much. If you are wearing a big-stoned ring, maybe hold off on the watch and bracelet. Let the statement ring shine on its own. If you really want to wear several eye catching pieces, limit it to two and space out the placement. Some people can pull off the big necklace and bold ring combination.


3) Don’t be too flashy with your wealth

Your jewelry may signify your financial possibilities, however it shouldn’t be used to show prestige over coworkers. Know the right balance of sophistication and statement is crucial to making the right impression. You want to be noticed but not in the wrong way.

So the next time you get dressed for the office, think about the statement that you want to make. Shoot for an appropriate balance to feel beautiful and confident without being flashy and over the top.

the source of the article : https://www.loveandpieces.com/blogs/online-jewelry-boutique-blog/115383622-a-jewelry-guide-for-the-workplace

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